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Piss Flaps 10:59 Sat Oct 31
I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Are they any good?

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Northern Sold 2:03 Wed Nov 18
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Yeah get a crate Balders and have him your bedroom with you... I didn't the first night we got ours and he was a quivering wreck teh next morning... only had to be in the crate for 5 or 6 nights and then they should be fine... massively hard work for the first month (harder than our daughter when she was a baby) but get through that you'll be fine... the longer you can stay out with a puppy in the garden praising & giving treats when it shits and pisses out there the sooner it will learn... took about 5 or 6 days and was fully house trained... lots of toys and old slippers etc... and when ready a good 40-60 mins off lead walk/run/swim... boredom is what makes a dog destructive ... we have never had a toothmark on any of our furniture/shoes etc in teh 7 years since we got him. Have fun fella

balders 5:06 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?

Any tips my boy picks up he's chocolate lab 9 th December

He's done loads of reader has but any tips would help

defjam 1:19 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Unless you keep it in your handbag Mickey? ;-)

Mickey Rat 1:17 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
A border terrier, small dog but doesn't look gay, great characters

Nurse Ratched 1:01 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
It's ok, Capitol, I can live with it.

Could! COULD live with it...

(Seriously, the dog was amazing. They also had an alsation cadaver dog who 'alerted' in the same place to confirm afterwards)

lab 9:29 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Is the Patterdale registered? Aggressive rascals, there's one that gets in the pub occasionally, keep my lab well away!

chad sexington 8:29 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Sold. Jack Russell's are due to be registered in the near future. Closest you've got at the min are Parsonage Russell Terriers

jfk 3:25 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
I've got a German Shorthaired Pointer love him to bits. His big for his breed around seven and a half stone and almost no fat.
A great looking dog and bred to hunt.lovely temprement. Brilliant around people but make no mistake they are relentless and can't be worn out.i reckon I walk easly twenty miles a week
.There are times especially on dark winter mornings when my alarm goes off at 5.30. In the morning when I could do without walking him but the summer months more than make up for it.my eldest helps out he is strong onough mow.
Owning a dog is a big commitment and not to be underestimated but well worth the ag.

Capitol Man 2:57 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
I'll get another malamute when my boys are a good bit older.

Northern Sold 2:55 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Only found out recently that a Jack Russell is not even a KC registered breed... weird one that

Capitol Man 2:51 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Nurse Ratched 12:36 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?

Then of course it would never be truly fulfilled unless you keep a cadaver in the house.

If you have one already the barking becomes incessant.

Or, er, so I understand.

lowermarshhammer 2:13 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Don't get a soppy girly one.

Don't get a psycho mauls kiddies for breakfast type.

Get one with character.

Jack Russell.

All other dogs are shit compared to a Jack Russell.

Northern Sold 2:08 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Think we are going to find more and more dogs on the streets with the security/military forces...those hounds can smell out a particle of explosives from yards away.... in Afghanistan the Taliban always tried to kill the dogs first before taking out a patrol... heroes the bloody lot of them


Hammer and Pickle 1:00 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Fuck all.

Nurse Ratched 12:59 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
I know it's not a breed, you daft sod. But it's a USEFUL dog with an impressive skill as opposed to one that enjoys eating the faces of toddlers. And I wasn't being entirely serious.

Hammer and Pickle 12:54 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Nurse knows generally fuck all about fuck all.

I believe I have established that on WHO for all posterity.

Gavros 12:51 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
A cadaver dog isn't a breed nurse, for your guide. I assume you mean bloodhound?

Nurse Ratched 12:36 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Get a cadaver dog. Just watched a rubbish documentary about the Manson murders and Buster the cadaver dog was the only highlight. He works his arse off all day, wagging his tail all the time, all for the reward of 5 minutes with his favourite squeeky toy. So yeah, he's a bit of a gimp, but he's got mad skills.

ChesterRd 12:17 Sun Nov 15
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
I would think you'd get a more honest appraisal of a dogs temperament from a rescue than someone trying to flog one. They want to make sure the dog goes to the right home not just any old home.

1985 11:58 Sat Nov 14
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
No, definately take on a rescue. Sure, you don't know the god but he kennel will always advise you, ie; this dog is no good with other dogs or this dog shouldn't be around young children etc. They will tell you, the shelters know their dogs.

They could all have a home in the right hands

mentor 11:50 Sat Nov 14
Re: I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed have you got?
Fuck a rescue dog. They're like refugees. You don't know what you're getting.

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